The Values and Rituals of Authentic Relationships: What the Relationship Enhancement Model Teaches Us about Marriage
Successful, satisfying marriages involve a set of core values that enable partners to experience a foundation of security and safety, and a set of relationship rituals or practices that promote deeper connection and intimacy.
Premarital Counseling: Washington Post Transcript of an On-Line Chat
While most people who attend premarital counseling take a religiously themed course, such as the Pre-Cana classes usually required for marriage in the Roman Catholic Church, a growing number are flocking to secular therapists for short-term couples counseling before their wedding.
The Rationale and Principles of Effective Limit Setting in Child-Centered Play Therapy, Filial Therapy and Parenting Education
Child-Centered Play Therapy (CCPT) recommends a three-step process for setting effective limits with children during the course of play sessions. The purpose of this limit setting process is to help children learn how to effectively manage their behavior in pro-social directions.
How Misunderstanding Anger Can Harm Your Marriage
Marriage educators and therapists are often faced with the difficult task of helping couples deal more successfully with challenging emotions like frustration and anger in order to help prevent such emotions from spilling over into negative and harmful interpersonal behavior. It is all the more unfortunate, and makes our task even more difficult, when stories or articles appear in the media that undercut those efforts.